How to Spot Fake Gelato in Italy

Buying Gelato in Rome Italy

It’s hot in Rome, and you’re melting in the humid, sticky heat of the city. Suddenly you spot it. Gelato.

Your eyes devour the towering mound of sweet icy goodness and you want it bad. The vivid pinks, neon greens and brilliant yellows behind the glass counter are beckoning, calling ‘eat me, lick me!’

You part with some euros and watch hungrily as they scoop out a portion of gelato into your cup. You raise the plastic spoon to your lips. Finally it’s there, ice cold, the flavor swirling around in your mouth and… it’s just ok. What happened? Unfortunately you’ve discovered one the many places in the city selling fake or artificial gelato made from a powder. A whooping 85% of gelato sold in Rome is fake.

On our recent food tour with Eating Italy Tours, GirlsGetaway found out how to spot the fake stuff. Here’s a couple of tips to help you get the best-tasting artisanal gelato into your hot, sweaty hands.

Artisanal Gelato in Rome Italy

Look at the Colors in Your Gelato

The gelato pictured above may not look as pretty to the eye but it will win the taste test over artificial powdered gelato.

Is the banana gelato a bright yellow? Fake. Pistachio a brilliant green? Fake. The colors in homemade artisanal gelato should be muted (pistachio, raspberry, strawberry), or white (banana, lemon, mint). After all, when you peel a banana what color is the fruit?

Look at the Shape of the Gelato

Are you looking at a towering, piled high mountain of gelato? Fake. Real Gelato is HEAVY. You can’t whip this stuff. Artisanal gelato should lie flat to the container.

To find out more insider tips on all things gelato, Italian food and where to discover awesome food, especially gelato, in Rome, book a tour with Eating Italy. Your mouth and tummy will thank you.

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